Rhino Gonolek

Fantasy Taxidermy

From the world of the incredible game, Dishonored 2. The island of Karnaca is incredibly realized in this fictional world and I wanted a piece of it myself. I made this sculpture to recreate an in-game prop. It started with a digital sculpt, which was then 3D printed, meticulously sanded, and painted. I hand cut the wood plaque and applied the golds scroll with hand made stencils.

Prop Replicas

As an expression of my love of film and games, I build replicas of my favorite props. Objects can be so laden with stories and feeling that I like to explore my favorite fictional worlds by diving deep on a single prop. Through the long process of sculpting, refining, molding & casting, painting, etc. I get to know an object to an incredibly intimate degree. My favorite part is the unexpected discoveries I make along the way.

The props here: Spacer's Choice Revolver (The Outer Worlds), Howler Sword (Dishonored 2), Bonecharms (Dishonored 2)